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Cyprus Map

Cyprus Map Guide


The island of Cyprus offers a diverse range of geographic features, from picturesque mountains and valleys to stunning beaches.

Detailed Maps

Several online resources provide detailed maps of Cyprus, offering a comprehensive view of the island's terrain. Google Maps allows users to zoom in on various areas, providing information on local businesses, driving directions, and street views.

Physical Features

For those interested in natural landscapes, physical maps showcase Cyprus's mountainous interior, the highest peak being Mount Olympus. The maps also depict rivers, national parks, and the coastline, highlighting the island's diverse ecosystems.

Ethnic and Historical Context

For a glimpse into Cyprus's cultural history, an ethnic map reveals the distribution of different ethnic groups in the 1960 census. This map provides context for the political and social dynamics of the island during that time. Additionally, maps depicting the island's granting of independence in 1960 showcase the historical events that shaped Cyprus.
